Gordon's Kure it Rx Testimonial
Kure-it Rx testimonial. by Gordon Pennington This was on my mission trip to Nadezdha Bulgaria healing people Aug 2019. Mission: Healing and helping in Nadezdha Bulgaria Roma Gypsy slum. Aug 15 or so, I got a slight cut on jobsite from an old nail so I put Kure-it Rx oil on it, no problem. A week later I went swimming in the Black Sea and the small scab came off while I was swimming and it appears that a flesh eating bacteria penetrated the open wound. That afternoon I went street preaching, healing and anointing with the Nadezdha Army in a Roma Gypsy ghetto for about 4 hours. About an hour after we finished that I started getting a hard fever (I never get those) and then my hand started swelling. I was using the Kure-it Rx4 which kept the infection localized & fortunately Kure-it Rx kills the pain, so I had no problem there. The first picture is that is of the second morning (08/18/2019) at the hospital in Sliven, Bulgaria just before admittance for emergency surgery for a flesh eating bacterial infection that causes necrosis. I had surgery within 4 hours of arriving at the hospital, and was put under with laughing gas. When I woke up my hand was wrapped up and felt slightly uncomfortable, but I was in no pain. The nurses were trying to insist I use the morphine injection they offered me at the insistence of the doctor, but I kept refusing it as I was in absolutely no pain. I could sense the swelling in my hand, and feel that it was damaged, but no sensation of pain, even as I used it. They wouldn't let me put the Kure-it Rx oil on it until day 4, so I was just using the oil on my upper arm and shoulder and armpit & the blood delivered it to my hand. Less than 30 days start to finish, with zero pain, even after surgery. Had pretty much full use of the hand the entire time as swelling would allow, but carried my staff, picked up and held things, and just used it as normal. I used only Kure-it Rx4 +cbd & iodine in the hospital then Rx4 and a few drops of iodine three times a day with new bandage for the next 3weeks. I did also use a little organic honey a few times in the second week as well, ate a good diet & got plenty of rest. This is an incredible testimonial to the effectiveness of the Kure-it Rx.
All pictures are within a 30 day period start to finish. I had full use of my hand as swelling allowed, the entire time, and pain free.
In the book of revelations it says: “for by your sorceries (Pharmakia) were all the nations of the world deceived, these are the days of the great deception and we must resist the lies and stand on God’s word of truth.
Sincerely, Gordon R. Pennington
All pictures are within a 30 day period start to finish. I had full use of my hand as swelling allowed, the entire time, and pain free.
In the book of revelations it says: “for by your sorceries (Pharmakia) were all the nations of the world deceived, these are the days of the great deception and we must resist the lies and stand on God’s word of truth.
Sincerely, Gordon R. Pennington