Good Samaritan Bible Healing Oil for ministries

  • $195.00

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The Good Samaritan Biblical Healing and Anointing Oil with Frankincense & Myrrh infusion is powerful and such a physical and spiritual blessing that we feel everyone should be equipped with this amazing tool. This is our bulk product page for those who are looking to use the Good Samaritan Oil in your ministry, healing and anointing according to the commands in the scriptures. These are a great tool to help raise funds and awareness in your community. These units are also available with custom logos/branding in the 1,000 unit levels, to help promote your organization.

Recommended for: 

  • Churches & ministries
  • Healing and anointing ministries
  • Thrift & Gift shops
  • Christian Bookstores
  • International Ministries and ministers
  • Individual healers and evangelists
  • Christian Apothecary and herb shops

Many regions of the world have little to no immediate access to healthcare or emergency services. Good Samaritan bible healing oil can help with most issues for basic and emergency needs, Pain relief and wound care, headaches, breaks and sprains, food allergies, cold& flu symptoms and more. 

Being able to offer better healing and care for the sick glorifies God and Jesus Christ our Lord, especially when they see you using what the bible commands over the products of the world, aka Pharmakia/Sorcery. 

In a war against the lies of the world, living by the truth and according to Gods laws of morality and love is not easy, as almost everything available for consumption is tainted by chemicals, false doctrines, prideful ignorance and a lack of knowledge. 

These Good Samaritan Oils are a testimony to the power of Gods knowledge over the knowledge of the world. Helping God fearing people live according to the natural ways God commanded us to live by and keeping his ways.   

We must strive to follow the instructions laid out for us in the new and old testament, and as you can see from these verses from James, we have strayed far from the truth. 

[Jas 5:14-15 NKJV] 14) Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

15) And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

We have a command from our Lord Jesus to make disciples of all nations, and sending them forth as he sent his original disciples, as shown here in Mark:

[Mar 6:12-13 NKJV] 12) So they went out and preached that [people] should repent.

13) And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed [them].

We must be the example for the generation of youth out there being deceived by a luke-warm worldly church, fighting against a drug overdose epidemic, demonic oppression and possession as well as disease. 

Lets not forget that the mark of the beast is coming soon, and that we are to Seal the servants of God in their forehead with the seal of God. 

Each 20ml  bottle contain 500 drops of Pure incense infused biblical healing oil, which should be enough to last most people a month using 3-4 drops 3 to 4 times a day for wound care etc.

At twice the strength of Kure-it Rx1, Good Samaritan Healing Oil works faster & lasts longer.

Good Samaritan oil is the biblical prescription for pain relief.
Safe,completely natural, & biblically correct, It is an all purpose, healing ointment infused with Frankincense, Myrrh and other herbs, plus a proprietary blend of essential oils.


Good Samaritan oil can be used as a topical ointment for sore and wounds, joint pain, bug bites, etc., sublingual as a mineral booster, nasally for covid-cold & flu symptoms, earaches, toothaches, migraines, headaches and much, much more. It is a super anti-inflammatory, which is the root cause of all pain. Great for swollen legs, ankles and feet as well. Being very alkaline in its nature, it also helps neutralize acidic conditions, boost the immune systems, clear the mind and relax the body.

James 5:13:
"if any one of you is sick, have them come before the elders of the church and anoint them with ('ointment') and they shall be healed through the prayer of faith."

Each 3ml sample bottle contain 75 drops of Pure Healing oil, which should be enough to last most people a week using 3-4 drops 3 to 4 times a day. 

Each 20ml Bottle has 500 drops which will last most people 1-2 months with regular use.

 Made from all organic and natural products, the (stated) shelf life is 3 years.

Thank you for trusting us, what we do is quite important to us. True healing comes through faith in action and God's natural healing.

Professor Gordon Pennington, PNH, MNH, Inventor

Rainbow Health Company