Global Governance & the New World Order:
Posted by Gordon Pennington on
The Bible tells us that in the end days & in the last generation that there will raise up a beast system and kingdom that will force the world into submission, and that it will be a time of great tribulation for those that have the testimony of Jesus Christ and keep the commands of God (christians).
Starting today the UN COP29 (conference of parties) is meeting from Nov 11-22 2024 in Baku, Azerbijan. These unelected globalist satan worshipers are meeting to figure out a way to move ahead with global carbon taxes, diversity mandates, social credit scores, digital money, to control all resources and information as well as silencing all dissenting voices on a global scale. All this is to save the world from “Climate Change”. There are 198 nations and kingdoms in attendance at this conference happening right now deciding how much you will pay for the right to breathe and consume, how much & what type of bug proteins you will eat, how many people will be allowed to live and where they will live.
When it is complete this World Government will be controlled by the Anti-Christ, the Man of Sin & the Prince who is to come and his 10 kings who will force the rest of the world to comply. The Bible clearly states that in the times of the end that these things will happen and that this man of sin will be revealed to the world. It also tells us that those of this world will wonder after the Beast and worship him, taking his mark in their right hands or forehead, worshiping his IMAGE and the number of his name, which is 666.
Who is this Man of Sin?
According to author Tim Cohen there is only 1 person in the world who fits all of the requirements to be this Man of Sin. Tim lays out all the facts in his book “The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea”, with his second edition just released this year with all the updated information since its first release 30 years ago!
I highly recommend that you look into this and watch this video with Janie Duval and author Tim Cohen as he presents solid evidence for his belief:
I also recommend reading his book “the AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea” found here: