Kure It Daily Post! — Anointing oils for healing

Can you hear me now? How to heal a torn eardrum, by Kevin.

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Can you hear me now? How to heal a torn eardrum, by Kevin.
"when I heard Carrie Madej talk about these healing oils and I got this feeling that it was going to be ok,  just get those oils in your hands.   When I got the 4x and 8x oils,  I started to apply them to the INSIDE OF THE EAR,"

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New! Missions of healing page.

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

New! Missions of healing page.

Welcome to the Good Samaritan Mission! We know most have no idea what kind of missions we do, or how we share the oils, and we don't self promote, although we feel responsible to let you know where your support is going, and how we use our resources, and so we have put together this page, and will be sharing these stories on our blog with those who desire to see them.  We will show the missions we have been on over the past years, and how effective the oils are at helping minister to people. This page is just an overview...

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Discover the Elixir of Life: Exploring the Benefits of Biblical Healing Oil

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Discover the Elixir of Life: Exploring the Benefits of Biblical Healing Oil

In the realm of natural remedies, there exists a miraculous elixir known as Biblical Healing Oil. We call it Good Samaritan Healing Oil. This extraordinary blend of potent ingredients has been revered for centuries for its profound healing properties. From ancient civilizations to modern times, the use of this sacred oil has stood the test of time, offering a beacon of hope and restoration for those seeking natural pain relief and rejuvenation. The Connection with Healing and Biblical Oil Good Samaritan Healing Oil has long been recognized as a powerful aid in the healing process. Packed with nourishing compounds and...

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The Significance of Anointing Oil

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The Significance of Anointing Oil

You may have heard of or seen anointing oils or healing oils of the bible used in a religious ceremony. In the Old Testament, a high priest used anointing oil to anoint priests, prophets, kings, and items for the tabernacle and all the servants who served the tabernacle. The ceremony showed that the person or thing had been set aside to serve God. During the dedication, the Holy Spirit would come upon them and give them strength and direction, as well as any knowledge to complete their task. In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ tells his disciples that...

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Fighting disease with Olive Oil

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Fighting disease with Olive Oil
Drinking 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the morning or before going to bed can prevent many symptoms of various diseases that may occur in ones body. Try using

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Rainbow Health Company