Flash Gordon & Healing for the AGES!
Posted by Gordon Pennington on
Flash Gordon and his wife Roni from Rainbow Health Company will be in Dallas Texas this Sept 7th - 9th 2023 at the upcoming Healing for the AGES conference as an event sponsor.

Flash Gordon and the Healing Chamber, from the 1938 serial Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars.
If you haven't heard about this healing event yet, you will want to check out this information. We invite you to open the door and attend in person or join the live stream event!
You can get a 10% discount when you use our sponsorship code KUREIT.
Healing for the AGES
This first time event is put together by a group of 4 Doctors who are at the top of their fields of natural health, detox and natural medicine.
This Healing for the AGES event is being held live, as well as streamed across the world and is designed to help you address some of these important issues:
Some recent history of how we met Dr. Ealy:
Dr. Ealy (aka Dr. H.) is the founder of Energetic Health Institute. I can't speak highly enough about his compassion for human suffering, as well as his love of living a healthy lifestyle while teaching others these same values.
We met Dr. Ealy briefly during the Covid Con & Beyond event in Yuba City California at the Church of Glad Tidings in May of 2022 (watch that event free here:). We were a sponsor of that event as well and received a very warm welcome from everyone involved.
It was our best show so far truly, and some of our best supporters we met there. This was also the second time we met Carrie Madej after the Save a Generation 7 City Tour earlier in April 2022, she always has a great message full of hope, love and truth.
Flash Gordon thanking speaker Carrie Madej at COVID Con & Beyond May 2022
This event was just 1 month before Carrie had a terrible plane crash and miraculous recovery. You can hear her testimonial of how the Kure-it Rx8 healing oil helped her during her miraculous recovery here: Carrie's Video Testimonial about Kure-it Rx8
Dr. Ealy has also given us a great endorsement for our Kureit Healing oils and the Energetic Health Institute is one of our valued Gold Eagle affiliates.
We are proud to support their cause and we are honored to be able to work with such a great team of healers who are sharing simple effective solutions for true healing to the forefront.
I am personally excited to meet and share with these brilliant Doctors in person, to see how our Biblical Healing Oils can enhance this battle for the right to live a healthy life!
In case you can't make the live event in Dallas Texas Sept 7-9th, you can register to attend virtually for a reasonable cost as well. I think this event will be revolutionary to humanity as we continue moving away from poison based medicine and back to natural health based remedies.
Please stop by our healing booth and introduce yourself if you can make it to this live event, we will be having a great show special as well, you can catch that live or on the virtual live stream.
Stop by our booth to say hi and sample some of our best products free.
Healing for the AGES conference info page: https://www.healingfortheages.com/
You can use our sponsor code KUREIT for 10% off event registration as well.
We hope to see you there at Dallas or one of our many future travel destinations. This is the beginning of our new mission travels this year, as we will be traveling from Cocoa Beach, Florida to Dallas Texas for this event in our motor home.
Lord willing, this will be followed up with a 2 month long mission through the southwest USA up to Oregon (the land of my birth), following the path of the upcoming annual solar eclipse in October 2023, healing and anointing people.
We will be updating our travels as we go and you can follow along with us on the Missions Page, or meet up with us if you are in our path!
Hope to see you at Healing for the AGES!
Flash Gordon