Kure It Daily Post!
Flash Gordon Interview: Looking 4 Healing in the power of the Oil.
Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Flash Gordon: Looking 4 healing & the power of Kure it Bible Healing Oils.
"Dr. H interviews Gordon Pennington, president and inventor of Kure-It Biblical Healing Oils, and they discuss the incredible healing benefits of the special oils he created through God’s divine inspiration."
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Study 1: EMF-inflammation improved by Bible Healing Oil.
Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Banned Video: Flash Gordon vs The Sorcerers of Babylon
Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Fasting Boosts Cancer Fighting Ability Of (NK) 'Natural Killer' Cells!
Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Get $50 off your EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit Replays with code kureit.
Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Did you miss the first-ever Healing for the A.G.E.S. EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit on May 25? If so, no worries! The Summit Replays are now available for purchase! You can now access life-healing information that the harmaceutical industry does not want you to know about! After more than 10,000 hours of dedicated research on EMFs and testing solutions, Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy & Schmidt have the solutions you’ve been looking for, real solutions that are 100% natural, 100% God made, 100% safe, and 100% effective. Grab Your Replays Here Today! Save $50 with our sponsor code: kureit Originally priced...