Kure It Daily Post!

Flash Gordon Interview: Looking 4 Healing in the power of the Oil.

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Flash Gordon Interview: Looking 4 Healing in the power of the Oil.

Flash Gordon: Looking 4 healing & the power of Kure it Bible Healing Oils.

"Dr. H interviews Gordon Pennington, president and inventor of Kure-It Biblical Healing Oils, and they discuss the incredible healing benefits of the special oils he created through God’s divine inspiration."

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Study 1: EMF-inflammation improved by Bible Healing Oil.

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Study 1: EMF-inflammation improved by Bible Healing Oil.
In a groundbreaking new study Dr. Wendi Roscoe, PhD in Human Physiology and nutrition counselor, evaluates the Oil of Elijah Ultimate Strength Bible Healing Oil to see the effects of these Frankincense and Myrrh infused healing oils on the blood function and how Oil of Elijah reacts with the human blood in the unseen realm.

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Banned Video: Flash Gordon vs The Sorcerers of Babylon

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Banned Video: Flash Gordon vs The Sorcerers of Babylon
In December of 2020, when the first “official Jab” was rolled out in the USA by Babylon, Inc., I, as Flash Gordon, joined my friend Daniel for a Good Samaritan Club discussion on the “harmeceutical” industry, the Covid 19 Virus (Conholio sickness) and the things that are coming in the future. Watch this before it is banned again!

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Fasting Boosts Cancer Fighting Ability Of (NK) 'Natural Killer' Cells!

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Fasting Boosts Cancer Fighting Ability Of (NK) 'Natural Killer' Cells!
“Fasting can program certain immunity cells in the body to fight cancer better and improve the cell’s ability to survive in a tumor environment, according to a recent study.”

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Get $50 off your EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit Replays with code kureit.

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Get $50 off your EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit Replays with code kureit.

Did you miss the first-ever Healing for the A.G.E.S. EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit on May 25?  If so, no worries! The Summit Replays are now available for purchase! You can now access life-healing information that the harmaceutical industry does not want you to know about!  After more than 10,000 hours of dedicated research on EMFs and testing solutions, Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy & Schmidt have the solutions you’ve been looking for, real solutions that are 100% natural, 100% God made, 100% safe, and 100% effective.  Grab Your Replays Here Today! Save $50 with our sponsor code: kureit Originally priced...

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