Kure It Daily Post!

WARNING: Parasites could be HARMING YOU! (plus the 5 FOODS to kill them naturally)

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

WARNING: Parasites could be HARMING YOU! (plus the 5 FOODS to kill them naturally)

There are over 800 million people worldwide that are infected with these parasites today, many without any knowledge of them! Unfortunately while these parasites are a major factor in bad health and poor quality of life, the good news is you don't have to suffer from them as they are easy to keep under control and even eliminate from your body completely using common herbs that are normally found in your own yard or garden. 

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Global Governance & the New World Order:

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Global Governance & the New World Order:

The Bible tells us that in the end days & in the last generation that there will raise up a beast system and kingdom that will force the world into submission, and that it will be a time of great tribulation for those that have the testimony of Jesus Christ and keep the commands of God (christians). Starting today the UN COP29 (conference of parties) is meeting from Nov 11-22 2024 in Baku, Azerbijan. These unelected globalist satan worshipers are meeting to figure out a way to move ahead with global carbon taxes, diversity mandates, social credit scores, digital money,...

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Missing Something? AGES Conference replays are now available!

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Missing Something? AGES Conference replays are now available!

You need to know this, so if you missed the Healing for the AGES fall 2024 conference the replays are now available online: Kure it is a proud sponsor of this life changing AGES event & conference and we want you to be fully prepared for the future that is fast approaching! Get $50 off replays with discount code: KUREIT This year’s Healing for the A.G.E.S. fall conference was all about cleansing the causes of cancer, an in-depth exploration of the root causes of cancer—physical, emotional, and environmental.  At the heart of this event was the idea that you have control over...

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Covid injections cause cancer and how to defeat it!

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Covid injections cause cancer and how to defeat it!

In this new article there is a wealth of information showing the correlation between the clot shots and cancer!  I think everyone should know what the effects of the "Medicine" we are being given in the name of "science" and "for our own good".  Make no mistake, that this is by the design of the1% who want a world without humans or God, but instead want to be God's themselves! Please take the time to read this article and share it with your friends and family: From:  The Expose: (Read full article here) By October 2022, there was a significant increase...

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Flash Gordon & The Sons of Liberty.

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Flash Gordon & The Sons of Liberty.

While we were at the Healing for the AGES conference we met up with Tim Brown from The Sons of Liberty podcast for an after event interview with me about the Kure-it Bible Healing oils and other topics of interest. It was an honor to be on his show: Amazing Healing Oils From The Bible With Gordon Pennington Released Friday, Sept. 20, 2024 Listen here: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/the-sons-of-liberty-3979848/episodes/amazing-healing-oils-from-the-224313303 Blessings to all!

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