Natural Medicine VS Pharmaceuticals

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Natural Medicine   VS   Pharmaceuticals

By Prof. Gordon Pennington

What are the real differences between Natural Medicine and Pharmaceutical drugs?

Natural foods/herbs and medicines (oils, resins, extracts, etc.) derived from natural means actually provide nutrients to your body, in most instances offering many more unrealized benefits to other parts of the body.

All FDA approved pharmaceuticals drugs (sorcery) are targeted to achieve only 1 chemical reaction, and only granted approval once this is established. Pharmaceuticals are designed to stimulate your body to release certain compounds stored in the body, but do not provide these essential nutrients themselves. These drugs are now made from petro-chemicals instead of plant based with numerous benefits.. Sorcery…. Poison.. Drugs.

This is no more than robbing Peter to pay Paul. If you are stealing nutrients from your bones, glands or organs to relieve an irritating symptom, usually caused by a nutrient deficiency, you will end up nutrient deficient in other places, and possibly incur more disease. Most diseases come from a lack of minerals and nutrients in our body, and due to this weakened or malnourished state, we have aches, pains, lack of energy, lack of focus, depression, anxiety, etc.

For 5,000 years of recorded history, mankind has been using herbs, leaves, resins, roots and extracts from plants for nutrition, to fight diseases and help wounds heal. “Let food be thy medicine”, a quote from Hippocrates the father of traditional medicine, is a saying as old as the KJV bible.

If we didn’t eat or do things that are bad for us, we likely wouldn’t have disease. We are not born with illness normally, but we take it into ourselves in many ways, through our diet, our stress levels, our work environment, through poisons (aka Sorcery/Pharmakia), and even in our mind by accepting it.

Petro-chemical pharmaceutical drugs never really go away, they stimulate certain chemical reactions in our body, and then are passed directly into the water supply through our excrement where it is still active. It then affects all organisms it contacts with and builds up in our food supply through that same process in fish, animals and plants that absorb it. Most of the water you drink contains trace elements of these drugs, among other unnamed poisons.

If these same drug companies that are getting people addicted to their “remedies”, are the same ones we buy other products from, are we not supporting them buy using their products. Would you donate money to a terrorist organization? Of course not, but then why would we own pharmaceutical stocks, buy their products, or take their “medicine”? If we go to the doctor and all he knows is what was taught to him by these same organizations, why are we listening to them? They have no interest in healing people, just treating them. And if the treatment results in more disease, then the remedy is worse than the original problem we went to them for.

Mark 5:25- KJV

25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,

26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,

27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. 29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.

 While the word “physicians” is used here it should probably be translated as "doctor", having been used in a negative context.

We must choose whether we believe in God, his word, and his natural (holy) ways or man/world’s versions of these things. If we listen to God’s word, we will choose a different path than what the world teaches and walks in, which is corrupted at best and evil at its worst.  If I took a large dose of arsenic, I am likely to get very sick and die. I can pray for healing and possibly God will grant it, but would I then turn around and do it again? That would be foolishness, but that is what we are dealing with. Every pharmaceutical drug is bad for you, even aspirin. All these drugs do is turn off the symptom and not relieve the nutritional deficiency at the root of the problem.

In the book of Revelation it says: “for by your sorceries (Pharmakia) were all the nations of the world deceived, these are the days of the great deception and we must resist the lies and stand on God’s word of truth by accepting that we need to also learn to come out of Babylon and her ways in all things.

the mark of the beast is 666

The soon coming mark of the beast will be tied to the Babylonian healthcare, finances, food/medicine and money. Satan knows that weak people will give everything they own for their flesh, just as they did in the days of Pharaoh during the great famine in the time of Joseph. Before the end of 3 years time, all the people had sold their livestock, land and even themselves as slaves/serfs to feed themselves with bread. At the same time, the Hebrew people were fed throughout this time, had the land to use and grew under Joseph’s reign as regent for Pharaoh.

Separating ourselves from the knowledge and ways of the world, we instead pick up what is good and true and hold fast to these things. Natural foods, olive oil, ointments and herbs of the apothecary have been used for since the fall of Adam as real medicine, which people have used to stay healthy and heal from various conditions. Jesus himself spoke of the “Chief Spices” and was anointed with “Precious Ointment” to which he said “she hath done me a good thing”, while also commanding us to anoint and heal others, to teach the baptism of repentance and to share God’s knowledge and ways.

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We all have access to God’s WORD of truth in which we can find perfect knowledge, and seek understanding through using the knowledge provided us. There are many people with great gifts of healing, compassion and faith which are endowed by the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, not many have the opportunity to use and mature this gift as it is denied by the church through traditions of men, as well as the antichrist spirit that is deceiving the whole world and even all the nations.

In the book of Revelations it says:  Rev 18: 23  “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee:  for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

“For by your sorceries (Pharmakia) were all the nations of the world deceived”, these are the days of the great deception and we must resist the lies and stand on God’s word of truth by accepting that we need to also learn to come out of Babylon and her ways in all things.

Avoid Worldly Wisdom 1 Corinthians 3:18–20

18 sLet no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”;  20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”

Remember that God is faithful to deliver us if we repent and turn towards him “doing works worthy of repentance” and changing our ways in humility and truth. God’s spirit of wisdom is not enticed by the spirits of pride and foolishness, but by humility, prudence, mercy and truth.

Go to your local herb shop, buy best healing oil online here, learn natural home remedies from your elders and peers, learn to grow food if you don't already, associate with like minded people and support them over big box and big pharma. "Come out of Babylon my people!."

May the Love of Jesus Christ fill your heart forever.

Prof. Gordon Pennington                          2/14/2023

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  • I bought some oils from Rainbow Health, I will give detailed testimony in about 2 months.
    The truth will win out in the end.


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