Kure It Daily Post!
Bone Spurs Too!!! Immediate pain relief!!!
Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Malerie R. Kersey reviewed Kure-it healing oil — 5 star March 28 at 1:43pm · This product is sensational. I have terrible bone spurs on my feet from beginning stages of arthritis....they give me constant daily pain. I used one small drop on each foot of the Kure it oil and was instantly relieved of all the pain!!!!!! This stuff is amazing!! Kure-it healing oil Health & Wellness Website
This Just IN!! Vertigo Cured!! !! :)
Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Vertigo Cured!! I’d had labyrinthitis induced vertigo for several months when I tried the “Kure It” that I bought for skin irritations. Having tried everything that my ENT and PT could think of, plus Dr. Google, and a bunch of remedies that I just made up – I ran across my Kure It and thought “What the heck? It won’t hurt....”. Sure enough-One drop in each ear at bedtime and I was noticeably better within a couple days and completely cured in a few weeks.Apparently the anti inflammatory properties soothed my cranky labyrinths enough to stop my head from spinning. WooHoo!...
note from a founder
Posted by Gordon Pennington on

I developed Kure-it based on biblical evidence of healing oils being used by God's people. I have only discovered its uses by trying it on everything I came across.. I have found i an incredible all purpose wound and skin care oil and also, essential for wound care. Nothing can prepare you for this truth. This stuff will eliminate the need for pain killers, creams, conditioners, acne creams, & way too many other things to list.Use it on everything. - Gordon To learn more about the anointing oils and their uses check out our Kure-it YouTube video channel :